
ADFS Rapid restore tool errors

Troubleshooting the ADFS Rapid Restore Tool import-module ADFSRapidRecreationTool.dll import-module : The specified module 'ADFSRapidRecreationTool.dll' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory. Supply the full path to the dll to import it ``` Backup-ADFS : Failed to connect to the database associated with ADFS ``` You do not have permissions to the ADFS database, if you are using a SQL database make sure your account has access to the database, if WID, make sure you are running as administrator.

Check if Office 365 has Your Updated ADFS Certificates

Download it here This script has probably lived its useful life, but I’m sharing it anyway, because.. well why not! When you want to quickly check to see if your published federation metadata (containing your ADFS token signing certificates) exists on Office 365 you can use Get-MsolFederationProperty that’s great if you have one domain.. but what if you have 25 or 50. Create a profile on your ADFS servers