ADFS Rapid restore tool errors

Troubleshooting the ADFS Rapid Restore Tool

 import-module ADFSRapidRecreationTool.dll
 import-module : The specified module 'ADFSRapidRecreationTool.dll' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

Supply the full path to the dll to import it

``` Backup-ADFS : Failed to connect to the database associated with ADFS ```
You do not have permissions to the ADFS database, if you are using a SQL database make sure your account has access to the database, if WID, make sure you are running as administrator.

``` Restore-ADFS : Failed to Decrypt the file```
You have additional files in the backup directory that were not created (and encrypted by the tool). The files themselves will be copied to a temporary working folder
``` C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\ADFSRapidRecreationTool\tempFolder``` which will prevent you from using Restore-ADFS if even if you try again with a folder without the problematic files. Delete this directory and remove all files except the following from your backup folder.

config.xml db.xml installParams.xml metadata.xml SSLCert-.pfx dkm.ldif ```

Restore-ADFS : Wrong password given to decrypt the backup The password you have provided for ADFS backup decryption is incorrect, check the password and try again.

Even though the tool doesn’t respond to the -Verbose flag, it does create a verbose log in the appdata folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ADFSRapidRecreationTool\ADFSRestore_Logs review the contents of these log files for help with errors.