Isolate a DC - Part 10: Reset KrbTGT password twice

This is Part 10 of a series on Active Directory Forest recovery; a new password for your domain.

Rest KrbTGT password twice

And finally, just in case someone still has a ticket lying around waiting to be used on your restored domain, sort that right out and update your KrbTGT password.

function Reset-KrbtgtPasswordTwice{
    SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
    ConfirmImpact = 'High')]param()
    $targetPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString "!7Dm$(get-random -minimum 10000000000000000 -maximum 1000000000000000000)$(get-random -minimum 10000000000000000 -maximum 1000000000000000000)#*&" -AsPlainText -Force)
     Write-Warning "Resetting the KRBTGT password twice without allowing replication of the update may result in Domain Controllers that cannot replicate if they have temporarily lost connectivity. Proceed with caution."
     if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess(((Get-ADUser krbtgt).DistinguishedName))){
        Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity (Get-ADUser krbtgt).DistinguishedName -Reset -NewPassword $targetPassword
        Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity (Get-ADUser krbtgt).DistinguishedName -Reset -NewPassword $targetPassword


All the other parts of this series are available here