Hosting for free with GitHub Pages using Windows (with custom domain)

I am unashamedly cheap. Here is how to host your personal website for no cost on github pages running on a windows platform.

Install a GIT client

There are lots - I chose the one that came up first in a Google search and haven’t tried any others. Download Git For Windows Run Git-2.xx.x-64-bit.exe that you just downloaded and install setting the following options

  1. Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt (default)
  2. Checkout as-is, commit as-is (not default)
  3. Everything else default

Choosing the second item just means you will see less verbose output if you are using a Windows only environment.

Sign up for a GitHub account

  1. Go here and follow the bouncing ball to create your account, mine is wrish wherever I use wrish replace it with your chosen name.
  2. Choose the free option (obviously).
  3. Verify your email address

Create your website repository

  1. Click Start a Project to create a new repository
  2. Enter the repository name as ← replace wrish with your username
  3. Click Create Repository

Upload your first bits and pieces

  1. On your Windows workstation with Git installed, open a command prompt
  2. Create your base folder
    md c:\website\
    cd c:\website\
  3. Add a robots.txt file (allow search engines to scan) and a CNAME file (replace with your custom domain)
    echo > CNAME
    echo User-agent: * > robots.txt
    echo Disallow: >> robots.txt
  4. Here is where you copy your index.html and other files into c:\website\ or just create a placeholder index.html
    echo Hello World > index.html
  5. Init a Git database in the current folder (note if you get an error here, Git4Windows isn’t installed/working)
    git init
    git config --global credential.helper wincred
    git config wrish
  6. Add your first commit (replace wrish with your username)
    git add index.html CNAME robots.txt
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin master

At this point you will be prompted for your Git username and password and git should be notified that a new branch called master was created.

Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin

You can also browse to your website and you should see Hello World or your content.

Create a CNAME to make your website work

  1. If you don’t already have a custom domain, you will need to purchase one
  2. Log into your DNS provider and create a CNAME records (alias) pointing to your Github Website (Don’t use a wildcard alias)
  3. Test it out!

Ok, so now you have a website, but you need to update it. It involves a few commands that, frankly, I don’t understand, so just create a batch file Publish.bat

cd c:\website\ 
git add * 
git commit -m "Scripted Publish %date%" 
git push origin master 

Now all it takes is a double click and anything you add to c:\website\ will be uploaded.